Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Weekly Appt Update

Just got back from my appt. with the midwife and all is well. Not much is new. Baby seems to be doing great. His heart rate is strong. My blood pressure is good and I'm measuring right on for 37 weeks. The baby is a little lower - the midwife couldn't move his head much when she tried. However, he still hasn't dropped. Although Kristin did tell us to be prepared from any point onward now. She also said that while swelling was once thought to be a bad thing, now "they" say that it can actually be a good thing since the additional fluid helps if you experience blood loss during labour. This information doesn't make it any less uncomfortable - but at least gives it a purpose. My next appointment is Tuesday the 25th.

I just found out that a lady in my prenatal yoga class, who incidentally had both the same due date and same midwife as myself, had her baby on Easter Sunday. Which gives me one less thing to obsess about - since I was convinced we were both going to go into labour at the exact same moment and I would end up with a midwife I didn't know as well. Although this information also makes me a little more anxious because I am ready for the baby to come. I figure every day he waits - he is just getting bigger and bigger ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am swelling up like a balloon as well, I had to take of my wedding ring as it almost got permanently stuck on my finger! I am glad to hear that otherwise you and the baby are doing well and that you are done work! My mom left yesterday so I am free almost all the time now so if you want to go for coffee I am up for that. My home # is 843-0310 and my cell is 878-0311.

10:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Connie and John, sorry I haven't been in touch but getting the house built has really kept me hopping for quite some time now and I was homeless for 3 months without phone and internet ya know. I am glad to see all is going well for you during your pregnancy and well you're looking healthy to say the least.I hope everything continues to go well for you guys and wish you all the happiness in the world. Don't hesitate to call on me if there is anything I can do for you guys, see ya.

All the best,

6:12 PM  
Blogger bunmaster said...

Oh ya, one more thing about the swelling. Did anyone tell you you'll probably still be swollen for a few days afterwards too? Ya me neither. So I am telling you now. I think my feet were fatter two days after giving birth than they were prior to that.

But then... one night I sweat off about 6 pounds of excess fluid & my feet were back to their original size. Yay!

9:36 AM  
Blogger Connie said...

Good to know Laura. These are useful pieces of information that somehow everyone forgets to tell me. At least I won't panic now if it happens.

9:57 AM  

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