Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Today, I'm just about 28 weeks along. Hard to believe just about 12 weeks to go. I am starting to get a taste of what my sleepless nights may look like after baby comes along. According to "the book" this week he weighs almost 2 and 1/2 pounds and is about 14.4 inches long with his legs extended and he can now open and close his eyes. His kicks are really starting to pack a punch. When he starts kicking now John and I can actually see him moving on the outside of my belly. Very strange indeed. However, it doesn't seem he ever really sleeps. I think he just takes short power naps throughout the day. He seems to be constantly moving all day long, from the time I wake up. After supper, I think he may be doing kickboxing and then when I get in bed it starts again. It's become very distracting at work. I just want to sit and watch my belly all day.

Other than that I went for my routine gestational diabetes test on last Friday. Basically you fast, then drink a super sweet orange carbonated drink and wait an hour before they take blood. Contrary to what many people have told me about this horrible beverage, I actually thought it tasted pretty good.

In general, I'm feeling pretty good. Although, I am finding it increasingly more difficult to get up off the couch. And little things like putting on pantyhose and socks have becomes challenging feats. Thankfully, a few of my previously preggo friends have donated some panel pants to the cause. Yes, as much as I was one point in denial that I would never wear those ugly things, I have to admit that they are the most comfortable thing ever I have ever put on. John says he may wear them after I'm done with them.

The Queensway Carleton called to pre-register me the other night. Which was a bit of an eye-opener. Sort of made the whole thing that much more realistic and is making me panic a little. Too late for that now I guess. We start our pre-natal classes next Tuesday night. Nothing says "Be my Valentine" like practising breathing with a room full of pregnant strangers and their hubbies.

I have a feeling the next few months are going to go by very quickly.


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