Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Sitting up - well almost ...

Sorry for the lack of updates. We've been very busy, travelling to Newfoundland and just getting settled back in. I have so many photos - it's hard to pick a few. We've noticed some very big changes in Xander the past week or so. He's constantly exploring everything. His hands do not stop grabbing everything and anyone. He's really started to notice other babies. He finally seems to have gotten over his cold he picked up travelling.

We started him on sweet potatos last night and he quite enjoys them, he cleaned his bowl last night and tonight. He is also almost sitting up - but tends to fall forward if we're not careful. And tonight he finally succeded in rolling from his back to his front.

I took him to the well-baby drop-in yesterday to get weighed, since we were worried that he had been throwing up a lot due to his cold - not to worry, he gained a 1lb and 5 oz this month and is now 17 lbs, 8 oz.

Getting ready to party in Gambo with my cousin Stephanie

Hanging out with my new friend Melissa

My very first fire at Poppy's house

Getting ready to leave for cousin Maggie's christening

My first time in a high chair at Coras.

What do you mean - I can't have waffles?????

Visiting my great grandmother Brentnall

Playing with a very old apple. This was John's when he was a baby. Xander quite enjoys it.

Can someone please explain to me how Xander finds this comfortable enough to sleep - but crys the second his arse hits the crib?

Re-energized from my nap and sitting with my arms as a prop.

Can someone please help me escape from this sweaty armpit?


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