Monday, September 18, 2006

Over 4 Months

I can't believe Xander is over 4 months old. We had his 4 month appointment last week. He is still quite long - now almost 28 inches long (no longer on the percentile chart). His legs and feet hang over everything. As I was typing this I got interrupted by crying. I thought he was gone to sleep for the night. When I went into the room he had turned himself sideways and had his feet hanging over the side of the crib. Guess it's time for his Dad to lower the mattress. He is growing out of all his clothes very quickly. He is now wearing 6 to 12 months. He weighs a whooping 16 lbs and 3 oz (75th- 90 percentile). Wow - no wonder babies sleep so much, imagine doubling your body weight in 4 short months.

Although he was sleeping through the night, he has been waking several times a night for the past few weeks. Dr. Wong said we could start him on rice cereal, so we tried him last week. The first time he loved it, but since then refused every time we tried. Then, two nights ago he started eating it again. Hopefully, it keeps his tummy full tonight cause I am getting tired.

We started swimming lessons today and he absolutely loved it. Basically swimming lessons for a 4 month old entails singing songs and pulling them around the water, but he seemed to quite enjoy it. He kicked his legs the whole time.

His co-ordination is getting very good. He is able to reach for and grab his toys. And tries to pull everything and anything into his mouth.

He is quite active and is constantly looking to be entertained. Most days I feel like a one-man show. It's like circuit training for babies in our house, 20 minutes in the swing, 20 minutes in the exersaucer, 20 minutes on the mat, 20 minutes playing with a toy, 20 minutes of reading stories, a 20 minute power nap and he's ready to start all over again...

Not too long ago he fit quite comfortably in the swing - now he could use an extension.

Can I interest anyone in some Octopus?

Enjoying my new toy from Aunt Krista and Uncle Scott


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